Barb Hodgens
Barb Hodgens

lactose free yogurt

Enjoy gut-loving probiotic yogurt without an upset tummy!

Customers regularly enquire about making homemade yogurt using lactose-free milk. The Luvele kitchen has done some experimenting and we’ve got good news!


Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk products that can be difficult for some people to digest. It is the lactose that is often what causes people to feel bloated, gassy, or even nauseous after eating dairy products. Approximately 65 percent of adults worldwide are lactose intolerant and the symptoms can be mild to severe.

In order to digest lactose properly, the small intestine must produce adequate amounts of the enzyme called ‘lactase’. Lactase is responsible for breaking down the lactose in milk, so the body can absorb it. When the body’s ability to make lactase diminishes, the result is lactose intolerance.

homemade lactose free yogurt


It is important to note that not all milk products cause the unpleasant symptoms caused by lactose intolerance. Homemade yogurt, that contains live active cultures is typically well tolerated.

During the fermentation process, the bacteria in the starter culture breaks down the lactose in milk, making yogurt easier to digest. The longer milk is fermented, the less lactose there will be in the finished yogurt. A long fermentation time enriches yogurt with more good bacteria (probiotics) than anything you can buy. It’s for this reason that gut healing diets such as the SCD diet and GAPS diets only allow 24-hour yogurt which is full of probiotics and virtually lactose free. For more information, click over to: '24-hour yogurt verses a probiotic pill' and 'yogurt fermentation time and temperature'.


The Luvele range of yogurt makers helps to put you back in control of your health. The following yogurt methods are low in lactose and from customer feedback are well tolerated and reduce symptoms:


Food manufacturers have created lactose-free milk to cater to the growing number of people who experience lactose intolerance. Lactose free milk doesn’t actually have the lactose removed. Instead, a synthetic version of the enzyme ‘lactase’ is added during processing to break down the lactose. The result is similar to what would happen during digestion.

Store-bought, lactose-free milk has nearly the same taste, texture and nutrient profile as regular milk. Conveniently, it can be swapped for regular milk in any of the Luvele yogurt maker recipes. We were definitely surprised with the thick and creamy results. We hope you luv it too.

homemade lactose-free yogurt


“I'm so happy with my yogurt maker. 24 hour yogurt really helps me with my IBD, I can tolerate it very well because it has just minimum lactose and it's full of good bacteria.” Ivana UK customer

“This yogurt has cured my IBS over time! Thank you for a wonderful product, making my own yogurt couldn't be simpler, and the results are outstanding.” Patricia US customer

“Thank you for putting out a high-quality product. I’ve used it every day since buying it. I am so happy to report that we’ve already seen a huge improvement in our children’s digestion in just a couple of days.” Vicky US customer

lactose free yogurt


Before you begin it is important to sterilise the Luvele yogurt making glass jar, lid and any utensils you use, in hot water. The danger of not sterilising is that other bacteria may overpower your starter culture and affect the quality of your yogurt.

    lactose free yogurt steps

    lactose free yogurt



    lactose free homemade yogurt