Barb Hodgens
Barb Hodgens

Best coconut milk for homemade coconut yogurt

Guaranteed great homemade coconut yogurt.

Coconut yogurt is a wonderful dairy free alternative loved by vegans, paleo dieters, and foodies alike. If you have ventured into making homemade coconut yogurt, you’ve probably discovered that it’s not easy to achieve the texture of store-bought varieties. The Luvele range of yogurt makers create the perfect environment for culturing, so if your coconut yogurt hasn’t worked, chances are you’re using an unreliable brand of canned coconut milk for the job.

The Luvele test kitchen has opened many cans on the quest to find widely available brands that make consistently great yogurt. Of course, we want the taste and texture to be as good (or better) than anything you can buy.

There are so many brands available today. With coconut milk becoming a healthy choice for those looking for a dairy replacement, the canned coconut market has grown to the point of confusion. It’s essential you read the ingredients list, but we wish it were that simple. Problem is, there’re so many factors at play; the percentage of coconut pulp to water makes a big difference to the consistency, and some brands leave in a percentage of oil or contain stabilisers and gelling agents that may interfere with the yogurt culturing process. 

Best coconut milk for homemade coconut yogurt

To alleviate all the uncertainty, we’re listing the top performers so you only experience success. The following brands guarantee creamy and smooth coconut yogurt with excellent flavour.

Aroy D coconut milk: Product of Thailand- available from Asian grocers globally.
Get the coconut yogurt recipe here.

Aroy-d coconut milk

Savoy coconut cream: Product of Thailand - available from Asian grocers globally.
Get the coconut yogurt recipe here.

savoy coconut cream

Honest to Goodness organic coconut milk: Product of Sri Lanka – available in Australia only. Organic & BPA free

Honest to Goodness coconut milk

Thrive Market organic coconut milk: available in the USA only

Thrive Market coconut milk

Biona organic coconut milk: available in the UK only

Biona coconut milk

Apart from the brands we have trialled and recommend, it’s a matter of experimentation. If you have had success with a brand of coconut milk that we haven’t shared, please let us know so we can add it to our list. 

We hope this list gives you the confidence to give homemade coconut yogurt a go. You can find all of our coconut yogurt recipes here. Let us know if you try our recommendations, or tag a photo of your coconut yogurt using #luvelelife on Instagram.


best canned coconut